Jay Phillips

Jay Phillips is simply one of the most naturally talented surfers to emerge from the surf-crazed town of Coolangatta. From his stellar career as an all-conquering junior to his current role as respected Snapper Rocks Surfriders club elder and free-surfing standout, Jay has inspired generations of surfers with his talent and charisma. Jay emerged from the quiet backwater of Fingal just down the coast, with a long family history in the region. He soon migrated north to the famed point breaks of the southern Gold Coast, where he honed his flamboyant style on those long groomed walls.
As a teenager, Jay won both the junior and open divisions of the Gold Coast and Queensland Titles, then went on to finish second in the juniors and fifth in the open division of the Australian Titles, claiming the prestigious Duke Kahanamoku Trophy as the most promising talent. A regular standout on the Australian junior series, Jay competed with great success on the world qualifying series and looked destined to qualify for the world tour. Instead, he chose family life at home and a key roll in the unending success of his beloved Snapper Rocks Surfriders club. Along the way, he has made friends and won respect throughout the surfing world, toured with legendary band Metallica and starred in innumerable surf movies.
Still sponsored by surf label Hurley to pursue the lifestyle he loves, Jay’s job brief is simple: “Dominate the points and look after the kids coming up. “It’s what he’d be doing anyway and dovetails perfectly with his new dedication to coaching elite junior surfers.